
Closing statements

Either way, you are going to make a decision.

One will be a decision to contract, shrink, and not move forward.

The other will step into the vibration of the state of being you felt when you talked about the business you really would love to have.

The question is are you constricting your business or growing it?

What is the probability that you will let us serve you?   Or scale 1-10

Growing your business only happens when you take scary bold actions.  Like when you call that prospect and ask for the business.

In order to take your business to the next level you will have to Make scary bold decisions and push through what the noted Bob Proctor called the Terror Barrier.

This is that barrier where you decide to lean into the best possible outcomes and tell the past comfort zones that ok is not good enough.

Are you ready for a bigger business with more time on your hands?

Can we get started today to schedule the onboarding process for you?

Yes  GO fill out Client information form, collect Credit Card and schedule a DATE Certain with onboarding

NO I still need time to think about it but Im still am 8   (7,8,9,10)

Well, that’s fair some business decisions do take time.  What are the questions you are going to ask yourself while you are thinking about it?


Growing your business only happens when you take scary bold actions.

Like when you call that prospect and ask for the business.

In order to take your business to the next level you will have to Make scary bold decisions and push through what the noted Bob Proctor called the Terror Barrier.

This is that barrier where you decide to lean into the best possible outcomes and tell the past comfort zones that ok is not good enough.   Are you ready for a bigger business with more time on your hands?

You have indicated you need more time to decide What questions are you going to ask yourself to determine that this is the best step to finally grow your business?

In order for us to help you there are probably some concerns or objections that might stop you from growing and moving forward.  I’d be surprised if you did not.

What questions do you have or what concerns do you have that might stop you from joining today.

(Let them tell you, they will typically fall into one of the 4 categories below)

Other than this one issue is there anything else stopping you today in principle from going to the next step?

(We are looking for the real OBJECTION)

(Often a 2nd objection they give is the real objection,     If they give us a second or third reason have them prioritize them.         Next we are going to Isolate the objections as the only thing stopping them from buying and SET THE CONDITION IF we answer this problem. You will say Y E S!)

If I take this/these issues and get you comfortable with them would it be fair to say you would be ready to move forward soon?

GREAT.  Now answer the objections.

Tell a story

You said each sale was worth about “X” amount (If you don’t have this find out.)

Bob, when you capture a new customer about how much is that customer worth monthly?

(Do the math so that you know how many clients it takes to pay for the system)

So if we find just “3” new clients through our system then the system has paid for itself?  Is that what you just said? YES

Do you think we can find “X” clients through all that we do?  YES

Kind of takes care of the concern doesn’t it

So I can get in agreement with you, Does that answer your concern?

Yes        GO TO So would it be crazy to let the onboarding team get you on their schedule next week?

Are you ready for a bigger business with more time on your hands?


No not yet

OBJECTION  Time to make it work

Tell Customer’s Story THEN

The Onboarding process is done in steps.  During the presentation, we showed you the step-by-step process and it looks daunting.  The reason why we showed you that is so you would know we, like you have a well-thought-out process to serve your needs from stem to stern.  If you explained to me every step you and your organization do with and without your client’s knowledge to serve them, I might start sweating too (Laugh).

He is the thing.

Our team comes with a dedicated agent who gathers your information and sets up the MCH site FOR YOU.  Yes FOR YOU.  Your time is focused on the higher-end thinking needs of growing your business. Our Virtual Assistants do all the busy work and setting up the campaigns FOR YOU.  We actually pride ourselves that in our industry we are the only ones who do so much of the time consuming tasks FOR YOU.

I’m not going to mislead you.  This does not happen overnight,  It take two nights (LAUGH).

Seriously though.  It will take some time getting your system built up but it won’t be taking up your time.

Does that make sense?

YES                        Close Again    GO TO FORM  to fill out the agreement

NO                         revisit issue   Is there anything other than this stopping you from moving forward tody GO TO OBJECTIONS   TELL another story If still no, schedule a follow up

Tell Customer’s Story THEN

I think the question is not Will it work but Will it work for you?  Your industry is competitive and the way to set yourself up as the go-to company is about being top of mind and cutting edge.

Eventually, others are going to follow suit, or your competition already has been employing this advantage and getting ahead of you even now.

In order to change some things in your business you are going to change some things in your business.  I know this sounds like double speak but it’s true. Marketing works every time Trillions of dollars are spent proving that point.  The key for you is being involved in the right kind of marketing efforts.  One that is automated and uses organic strategies.  Now this is very important.  Our prospects, your prospects are getting very sophisticated and I have to tell you AI and electronic communications are not a fad they are the next and soon to be the ONLY way your customers will ever hear of you.  I mean when was the last time you saw a Yellow Pages book?

I think your concerns are well reasoned what if there was a way to take some of the scariness away would that help.

YES Is always the answer

I’d offer you 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If after 90 days you feel like there’s no movement forward this is not working and you want to cut ties.  We gladly refund the monthly investment and take the loss ourselves.

2 very important things happen when we start this.  ONE we are put on your clock so we are super motivated to get results.  TWO You have assurances and a Iron Clad guarantee of satisfaction.

So is the famous line Ring true for you?  Are you going to make us yell, “SHOW ME THE MONEY” to get your business?  Laugh

If I got you the crazy guarantee, and I will. Are you ready to go?

YES                        Close Again    GO TO FORM  to fill out the agreement

NOT YET                              revisit the issue   TELL another story

If they haven’t brought up the money      You said each sale was worth about X amount….


OBJECTION          I have to check with wife/partner

I’m so sorry,  I thought we covered in the first call that if there were others involved we should have them on the demo as well.  This is my fault.  I do apologize.

Putting their decision on this matter aside, Where do you land? Are you with us in principle?

YES        Continue with the script

NO         GO TO what are some of the objections that are stopping you from moving forward?

Well, that’s great Im super excited, I had a feeling you were a growth-oriented thinker.

Just as a matter of thinking about your partner what do you think they would like best from what we discussed?    Is that your favorite part too.

Do you have a lot of sway with them when you really want to go a direction or do they have more pull than you?

I Have More PULL      Continue with the script.

They have more Pull


Lets get some of the details out the way   Keep it conversational

(Fill in everything but the Credit Card)

Let me throw this out there.  This actually worked for me twice.  I went to buy something and to be honest it was a larger ticketed item.  I needed to check with my wife.  But I knew she would follow my lead on it.  I was prompted to put my credit card in to hold the item.  It was a good thing I did it.

When my wife looked at our potential purchase she was against it and said no.  It was one of those, REALLY, No.  The item literally was the last one.  However, we agreed the answer was NO.  The Sales guy was bummed but I was happy.  I felt secure that I saved my space but I also honored my partner with their input.  It was a win-win.  The other time it worked out just as I thought it would.  The item was held, my wife was in agreement with the purchase and the extra bonus, and wrapping up the deal took up no time the paperwork was already done, I mean all done we walked out there in minutes.  I am certain the fact that I had put the deal all together including the payment information sealed the deal in her mind, with out that I’m not so sure.

So, I’m going to suggest the same here.  We now have everything we need from you to get started apart from your partner’s final ok and the form of payment.  We WILL NOT be charging anything until you give the go-ahead.  Does that sound fair?

Ready To Start


Lets get some of the details out the way   (Keep it conversational)

(Click here for the form)


Money Stories

Will it work Skeptical stories

Time Stories

Partner Stories

We had a client who should have been killing it.  Their sales were pretty good but clients came few and far between.  He/she needed help getting leads and everything they were trying was falling flat.

They tried spending money on ads, lots of ads and they had little to show for it.

They were a little shy to spend more money.  What we did not find out to latter that the small monthly investment was a bit of a burden on the their budget.

They bravely decided to go ahead and join us.  They needed to grow and get more real leads that cost less.  After 15 days they saw how are team was being proactive in getting the system jump started.  They decided to confide in us how truly anxious they were.

We are in business too.  We stepped up the process and made more demands on ourselves and them as well.   The long and short of it is they had to stretch.  In stretching we grow.  And boy did they grow.  They quickly brought on 5 new clients. Cost of acquisition was very low almost un measurable.

The profits not only covered the costs but they increased their profit margins substantially.

They transformed their business so much that if they tied to look back at themselves in the past , they would need binoculars find themselves.

We can find clients through all that we do?

The only question is can you close on the leads when they come in

And what will you do with all the time on your hands?

Close:  When you get your bills that you pay electronically do you prefer them to be billed on the 1st or th 5th of the month?

Onboarding cant happen for a week or so can we wrap up the paper work and get you on the schedule?

Time to make it work

Time is seldom a friend and we are already stretched, at least that is how Seline out of Texas thought.  He had too many teams he was managing and was feeling burnt out.  He jumped in and actually found out by dealing with us it actually made him focus on what was important and it cleared up time on his calendar.  After the automation kicked in he then realized there was no way he could have done the mountain of work the systems was producing.  His lead flow shot through the roof and he grew. Why, because he was spending his time at what he was great at and not what kept him busy.

We aren’t just a fancy software provider.  We are in the business building business.

Would you like to have similar results?   YES

Do you remember we also provide Virtual assistance to help with the onboarding and they can even be hired to help after that.  If you know anything about VA’s, their costs are out of this world inexpensive.  Time really isn’t an issue compared to (Revisit their PAIN of NOW)

Tell Customer’s Story

Healthy skepticism is a good thing.  Unhealthy skepticism creates a paralysing stigma that prevents growth.

XYZ customer of ours came in almost kicking and screaming.  You know the kind, right?

well during the demo they were intrigued by 2 of the components of what the automation and AI could do for them.  Mary who led the discussion from their tema was committed to NO.  She didnt why to try anything she didn’t think anything was going to do what we said.

The next day she called back and went into agreement with us, we were surprised.

We asked her why? Obviously. She said it really tugged on her when we told her the system worked because she was at the meeting, meeting with us.  She had received a request to connect a request to engage and everything else that led her to us.  Most of it is automated and all of it comes in our system.  You being here is proof positive that it works.  Will it work for you?  absolutely  dont you agree?

I think the question is not Will it work but Will it work for you?  Your industry is competitive and the way to set yourself up as the go-to company is about being top of mind and cutting edge.

Eventually, others are going to follow suit, or your competition already has been employing this advantage and getting ahead of you even now.

In order to change some things in your business you are going to change some things in your business.  I know this sounds like double speak but it’s true. Marketing works every time Trillions of dollars are spent proving that point.  The key for you is being involved in the right kind of marketing efforts.  One that is automated and uses organic strategies.  Now this is very important.  Our prospects, your prospects are getting very sophisticated and I have to tell you AI and electronic communications are not a fad they are the next and soon to be the ONLY way your customers will ever hear of you.  I mean when was the last time you saw a Yellow Pages book?

I think your concerns are well reasoned what if there was a way to take some of the scariness away would that help.

YES Is always the answer

I’d offer you 90 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE If after 90 days you feel like there’s no movement forward this is not working and you want to cut ties.  We gladly refund the monthly investment and take the loss ourselves.

2 very important things happen when we start this.  ONE we are put on your clock so we are super motivated to get results.  TWO You have assurances and a Iron Clad guarantee of satisfaction.

So is the famous line Ring true for you?  Are you going to make us yell, “SHOW ME THE MONEY” to get your business?  Laugh

If I got you the crazy guarantee, and I will. Are you ready to go?

YES                        Close Again    GO TO FORM  to fill out the agreement

NOT YET                              revisit the issue   TELL another story

If they haven’t brought up the money      You said each sale was worth about X amount….

OBJECTION          I have to check with wife/partner

I’m so sorry,  I thought we covered in the first call that if there were others involved we should have them on the demo as well.  This is my fault.  I do apologize.

Putting their decision on this matter aside, Where do you land? Are you with us in principle?

YES        Continue with the script

NO         GO TO what are some of the objections that are stopping you from moving forward?

Well, that’s great Im super excited, I had a feeling you were a growth-oriented thinker.

Just as a matter of thinking about your partner what do you think they would like best from what we discussed?    Is that your favorite part too.

Do you have a lot of sway with them when you really want to go a direction or do they have more pull than you?

I Have More PULL      Continue with the script.

They have more Pull


Lets get some of the details out the way   Keep it conversational

(Fill in everything but the Credit Card)

Let me throw this out there.  This actually worked for me twice.  I went to buy something and to be honest it was a larger ticketed item.  I needed to check with my wife.  But I knew she would follow my lead on it.  I was prompted to put my credit card in to hold the item.  It was a good thing I did it.

When my wife looked at our potential purchase she was against it and said no.  It was one of those, REALLY, No.  The item literally was the last one.  However, we agreed the answer was NO.  The Sales guy was bummed but I was happy.  I felt secure that I saved my space but I also honored my partner with their input.  It was a win-win.  The other time it worked out just as I thought it would.  The item was held, my wife was in agreement with the purchase and the extra bonus, and wrapping up the deal took up no time the paperwork was already done, I mean all done we walked out there in minutes.  I am certain the fact that I had put the deal all together including the payment information sealed the deal in her mind, with out that I’m not so sure.

So, I’m going to suggest the same here.  We now have everything we need from you to get started apart from your partner’s final ok and the form of payment.  We WILL NOT be charging anything until you give the go-ahead.  How does that sound?